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At Last, a Proven Solution for Negative Feelings

A question that I encounter when in conversation with my clients is “How do I deal with my negative feelings of ________ [Fill in the blank e.g. inadequacy, self-doubt]?”.

Our feelings can always be traced back to our thoughts. Each day our minds process as many as 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts! Not every one of those thoughts is helpful; unhelpful thoughts produce feelings that do not necessarily reflect the truth about us or our situation.

5 Easy Tips to Improve Your Financial Wellbeing

As a coach, I see financial wellbeing as important because of impact that poor financial wellbeing can have. It causes stress and pressure, as well as issues with overall wellbeing, self-esteem and even relationships. It can also be a barrier to accomplishing certain life and business goals.

Over the years, I have found five tried and tested principles that can make a difference to our financial health:

5 Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Today is World Cancer Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness of cancer and its prevention. Did you know that 30-50% of all cancer cases can be prevented by a healthy diet and lifestyle? Here are 5 things you can do today that will improve your overall health and wellbeing and help to lower your cancer risk:

New Year, New You?

Happy New Year and welcome to 2022!

The start of a new year always brings hope for a better year and a better life. What transformation do you want to experience in your life this year? More confidence, improved focus or greater fulfilment? Do your goals include setting up or taking your business to the next level, having greater impact or an increased income?

Experiencing transformation and accomplishing goals takes commitment but if you take the right action now and stick with it, by the end of the year you will be exactly where you want to be!  

PS: I’d love to support and provide accountability as you journey towards your goals. Book your complimentary breakthrough coaching session with me🙂.

Merry Christmas!

It’s so amazing how quickly 2021 has flown by – it’s already time to celebrate Christmas again!

Thank you to all my lovely clients, friends and followers for all the interesting conversations and interactions over the past year. It has been an absolute pleasure.

Wishing you the very best compliments of this special season.